In recent years we have become increasingly aware of our need for functional, intact ecosystems as well as our critical role in their precarious state. This is why there is a growing movement to landscape our properties with native plants– we are able to take the health of the earth into our own hands and create habitat for the incredible wildlife of Michigan. At Creating Sustainable Landscapes we have been growing alongside this movement for over a decade, providing the people of Northville with native landscapes that are as beautiful as they are functional. We work with both residential and commercial clients on a wide range of settings and scales, from small, formal, designed installations to large natural area management. Some of the services we offer include perennial beds, rain gardens, woodland plantings, lawn alternatives, natural stonework, shoreline restoration, and invasive species removal. No matter the project, the results are sure to be visually exciting and environmentally beneficial. With a nuanced understanding of local ecology and landscape design we create landscapes that convey a sense of harmony and place while improving soil quality, addressing issues such as flooding and erosion, and supporting an abundance and diversity of pollinators, birds, and other forms of wildlife. Our friendly team of experts is ready to work with you to bring more nature to Northville.